Using device biometrics auth with custom universal login page

We want to configure Auth0 Device Biometrics authentication (Face ID, Touch ID, etc.) in order to connect to our SPA web app.
For project requirements, we use Universal Login with a strongly customized template, using auth0.WebAuth lib.
Our app is distributed as a PWA.

We were wondering if it’s possible to use WebAuthn with FIDO Device Biometrics for this need, and if not, what can be done to provide biometrics auth to our users.

Technical stack :

  • Angular : 17
  • @auth0/auth0-angular : 2.2.3

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Hi @anthony11,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, it is possible to use WebAuthn with FIDO Device Biometrics with your custom Classic Universal Login page. There shouldn’t be any issues there. However, let me emphasize that you would need an enterprise subscription plan with the enterprise MFA add-on to use this feature.

For steps on configuring device biometrics, please refer to the documentation below:


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