Common approach for email template localisations seems to be quite akward if else liquid syntax in the templates:
Is there some reason the custom email provider could not be used for localisations?’
You could have for example a passwordless otp template in Auth0 email connection:
{% raw %}
{{ otpHeader }}
{% endraw %}
{{ code }}
Then in the custom provider action you would render the event.html content again with the dictionary and using the event.locale for deducting the selected language.
Action pseudo code:
exports.onExecuteCustomEmailProvider = async (event, api) => {
const selectedLocale = deductLanguage(event.locale)
const templateParams = { otpHeader: dictionary[selectedLocale].otpHeader }
const emailContent = renderLiquid(event.html, templateParams)
// send the email with e.g. sendgrid api