Using Auth0 for C# WebAPI, Angular and WPF apps

We currently have a backend C# WebAPI that uses ASP.NET Identity to a SQL database with <10 users currently (would not look at migrating users, but starting afresh).
There is a Angular website that users log in via the WebAPI through username\password and oauth bearer tokens. There is also a WPF app that accesses the WebAPI through the same mechanism.
We are looking at the possibility of moving to Auth0, but we are unsure of the direction to go with all of the options available to us. Would love some guidance on which road to go down :slight_smile:

For your scenario the recommended Auth0 configuration would be:

  • Represent the Web API as a resource server/API by registering it in the APIs section of the Dashboard.
  • Represent the Angular application as a client application with a client type of Single Page Application; check Clients section of the Dashboard.
  • Represent the WPF application as client application with a client type of Native; check Clients section of the Dashboard.

For the user themselves if you’re looking to have custom username/password credentials as the method of authentication then you should create a database connection and associate with both of the client application you created.

Having done the configuration at the Auth0 dashboard it comes time to do the actual integration, for this part you should follow reference documentation and quickstarts:

HI @Jmangelo,

A big thanks for all of that information. I’ve followed through most of it and managed to get it all working nicely now.


HI @Jmangelo,

A big thanks for all of that information. I’ve followed through most of it and managed to get it all working nicely now.
