User search using search_engine=v3 is not consistent and user_metadata is case sensitive

I am going through the docs to migrate our solution from v2 search_engine to v3.

Using v2 engine, we had a problem where we couldn’t find some users by looking for their given_name in the formalized fields, like in the following query:
but we could overcome this issue using the following:
q=(given_name:(Linda*) OR user_metadata.given_name:(Linda*))&search_engine=v2

Previously, user_metadata was case insensitive and both queries below would produce the same results:
q=(given_name:(Linda*) OR user_metadata.given_name:(Linda*))&search_engine=v2
q=(given_name:(linda*) OR user_metadata.given_name:(linda*))&search_engine=v2

given the new v3 engine, we can’t have wildcard search on user_metadata anymore.

This wouldn’t be an issue if we didn’t have to use the user_metadata in the first place.

This is a blocker for us, because we can’t just use the query below to search for the user
And the following query is not valid anymore
q=(given_name:(Linda*) OR user_metadata.given_name:(Linda*))&search_engine=v3

Another approach is using exact match like below:
q=(given_name:(Linda*) OR user_metadata.given_name:("Linda"))&search_engine=v3
But this still brings an issue with case sensitive user_metadata, where it matches Linda but does not match linda neither Lind*

The below is the exact result for Linda when returned:

    "createdAt": "2018-01-17T16:22:18.119Z",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "id": "auth0|5a5f783a7ad17571df2c9690",
    "lastLoginAt": "2019-04-03T14:50:12.852Z",
    "name": "Linda Day",
    "pictureUrl": "",
    "updatedAt": "2019-04-03T14:50:49.545Z",
    "userIdentities": {
      "hasAtLeastOneEmailIdentity": true,
      "hasOnlyEmailIdentities": true,
      "identities": [
          "connection": "Username-Password-Authentication",
          "isSocial": false,
          "provider": "auth0",
          "userId": "5a5f783a7ad17571df2c9690"
    "userProfile": {
      "assetPartyId": "12349",
      "crmContactId": "1048113f-06f6-e711-80c5-005056825b41",
      "dateOfBirth": "1980-04-04T00:00:00Z",
      "firstName": "Linda",
      "gender": null,
      "lastName": "Day"

On the other hand,
the same issue does not happen to the following user:

    "createdAt": "2019-04-16T14:41:58.809Z",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "id": "waad|7fwsSHDpx3L2nZ7HhQLt3qlLeLMuh2n3XHLQ3vugxY8",
    "lastLoginAt": "2019-04-16T15:27:31.657Z",
    "name": "Test DA",
    "pictureUrl": "",
    "updatedAt": "2019-04-16T15:27:31.88Z",
    "userIdentities": {
      "hasAtLeastOneEmailIdentity": false,
      "hasOnlyEmailIdentities": false,
      "identities": [
          "connection": "workwise-waad",
          "isSocial": false,
          "provider": "waad",
          "userId": "7fwsSHDpx3L2nZ7HhQLt3qlLeLMuh2n3XHLQ3vugxY8"
    "userProfile": {
      "assetPartyId": null,
      "crmContactId": null,
      "dateOfBirth": null,
      "firstName": "Test",
      "gender": null,
      "lastName": "DA"

Any of the following queries will be able to return the user above:


In summary,
The query q=given_name:(lind*)&search_engine=v3 does not work for all users, and this is preventing us from migrating to v3.

Hello there @diego.mendes, after verifying with our team I have been able to confirm that the below announcement should be of great help to you on this front. I would look for it coming in the near future. Thanks!

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