User profile don't have all the attribute

I have one application that use the auth0 and the call is made using the Auth0-aspnet nuget pack (uasing ExchangeAuthorizationCodePerAccessToken from webforms), i need to migrate this one to other domain and integrate the the auth0 with the new domain for emails(google domain) but now after i made all the setups in auth0 for connection (enterprise) when i run to see if it work the object profile has only this attributes {
“sub”: " ",
“given_name”: " ",
“family_name”: " ",
“nickname”: " ",
“name”: " ",
“picture”: " ",
“locale”: “en”,
“updated_at”: " "
}, to work i need to have all of this:
“id”: " ",
“email”: " ",
“name”: " ",
“given_name”: " ",
“family_name”: " ",
“picture”: " ",
“locale”: " ",
“nickname”: " ",
“email_verified”: ,
“clientID”: " ",
“updated_at”: " ",
“user_id”: “”,
“identities”: [
“provider”: " ",
“user_id”: " ",
“connection”: " ",
“created_at”: " ",
“sub”: " "
What i need to add or what i need to configure to have all of this.

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