I am trying to implement a SSO process for a few regular web apps using SAML 2.0 or ODIC.
The issue i am having is getting user data from one as the JSON file that holds the data does not seem to be editable. I would like to make sure Auth0 stores and hold the first and last name of each user, but i am unsure how to do that.
We have a lot of existing users that i would like to be able to get get UserName, Fname, Lname and Email and be able to pass that to Auth0, but the default Json file doesn’t seem to allow that or i am being dumb somewhere.
If you could help me figure out how to make sure i am getting the right data where I need it, that would be amazing!
Any questions or information you need, let me know as i am still rather new to Auth0 and SSO!
Thank you kindly for the response, but I’m not sure if that other solution helps me much. Though i may just be dumb.
Here is the situation as I don’t think I explained properly: I have two web apps i am attmepting to get SSO to work with. One is a forum where users can ask questions and receive help (a lot like this one) and the other is a learning environment ran by TalentLMS. IN order for a user to be connected in TalentLMS, i need to make sure i get their USERNAME, First Name, Last Name and email to authenticate as an existing user. However from what i can tell, there is no way to get that First Name and Last Name into the auth0 database so that i can pass it to TalentLMS.
Ive attempted to create a custom database, but since we have a VPN turned on for security purposes, we cannot use a custom DB to handle that.
The JSON file i am referring to is the RAW JSON that is found in the User Details. I assume this is what is being passed through SAML and this is where i would expect to be able to add in a way to get the First and Last names?
Thank you again for the reply and for any future information you could give me! Im currently reading through the thread you linked and seeing if anything on there can help as well!
Thanks for the information. So when you look at the Raw JSON tab the required fields username, fname, lname from the third party IdP are not there? or they are there but you need a way to access them?
I would like to make sure i have the ability to store the first and last names for the users. I get this information from the other web-apps i am trying to connect SSO to.
This looks like a local Auth0 database user account as opposed to a SAML user account. Perhaps you just need to use the Management API to update the given_name and family_name for the user using this endpoint https://auth0.com/docs/api/management/beta/v2/update-a-user