User not logged in after sign up with `loginWithRedirect` `screen_hint: 'signup'`

When I call

  authorizationParams: {
    screen_hint: 'signup',

To take the user directly to the sign up screen - after signing up the user is not logged in. isAuthenticated returns false

However, if I create a an account using


i.e. direct to the login screen, then click sign up, then create an account - The user is logged in when returning form the sign up flow.

We would like the user to be signed in after returning from the sign up flow using screen_hint: 'signup'. I appreciate any help, thanks.

Hi, thanks for the reply! Is there any chance you could elaborate on the options you suggested? Either silent login or a custom rule (I believe this would be an action now since rules are phased out)

For context I’m working on a single page app and would like to implement a sign up button and have the user be logged in post sign up. Right now after signing up the user is redirected back to the app, but the auth0 sdk doesn’t seem to do anything after that. We’re using auth0-react

For anyone else who comes across this - The error was on my part - My redirect uri was on a different domain from my login page and that breaks things

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I’m glad you figured this out and shared the solution with the community!


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