User Invite old docs?

There is a way documented to to an invitation for users here:

But the Management API docs has a reference to manage invitations:

First I was thinking that this is organisation specific but I can provide there app_client_ids to target a specific app in the payload.

The second one looks like a built in way to handle invitations, there is also a mail template (user invite) already which looks more promising that having the if/else in the “reset password” template as described in the docs.

What is the preferred way to handle user invites for an app?

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Hi @vbr,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

Allow me to clarify that the Management API’s Create invitations to organization endpoint is organization specific. This means that you cannot use that endpoint to handle regular user invitations.

Additionally, please note that the endpoint requires an organization_id as the id parameter, not a client_id . You can refer to the screenshot below for clarification:

The Send Email Invitations for Application Signup is still the recommended approach for handling user invitations to an app by repurposing the Change Password email template.

I hope the explanation was clear!


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