User Import / Export Extension 503 Error

I recently created a new tenant and would like to import my users from another tenant. I installed the User Import / Export extension in the old tenant and was able to export my users. However, after installing the extension in my new tenant, I face a 503 error upon opening the page. Is there any special configuration option I need to enable to use this extension? I do have Dashboard Admin privileges, which is the only requirement I saw in the docs. Thanks!

Hi @ogreeni,

There were elevated errors earlier during the time you experienced the 503 error.

You can refer to this incident. It has been resolved, and you should be able to use the extension normally now.


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Hey @rueben.tiow,

I just tried again, and I still get the same error.

Hi @ogreeni,

Thanks for the update.

Could you please try uninstalling and reinstalling the extension again?

Hi @rueben.tiow,

I have the exact same issue as ogreeni. Uninstalling and reinstalling the User Import/Export extension does not help. I keep getting “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” when opening this extension for our two new tenants, while it works fine for our old tenant.