Having issues using the Import/Export extension and not sure how to fix them

Continuing the discussion from User Import/Export - Cannot import exported file:
I am trying to move over users from our dev tenant to our production tenant using the import/export extension and it is not working - I keep getting the invalid JSON error. Also, when I add password_hash and password_set_date to the export, which are listed under the “Two other fields are not technically part of the user profile, but may be of interest when importing users:” , they are not included in the resulting exported list. Can you please help me with these two issues?

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Hello. Welcome to our community!

The file that you are exporting is not the same file that you will have to import. You will have to modify it in order to be compatible. You can check this document.

I hope that information is useful!


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Hi Lucas,

Thank you for the quick response and the information to solve this. I guess that I will have to write a script to convert it - though I have to say that it seems odd for an Export/Import tool to output data in a format that is not importable.

The other question I have is regarding the password_hash and how to migrate it from one tenant’s DB to another so that there is seamless migration of users. Is there a known solution to that issue?

Thank you for your help!

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To export the password hashes, please contact support (only available to tenants with paid subscriptions).

Let us know if you have any other question!

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