I’m having this same issue. I’m trying to use the Auth0 User Import/Export Extension to experiment with importing users from our database. I keep getting back “Oh snap! You got an error! An error occured while uploading the file: Bad Request”.
The problem I’m having is that there is no additional information I can use to debug the issue. Was my input file malformed? Is the service misconfigured? etc. I am able to successfully export users using the extension, so it doesn’t seem to be a problem with the extension’s connection to my tenant.
I managed to use the Management API explorer to test the import via the API, and it returned a better error “Connection is not enabled”.
I did not have any applications enabled for my username & password database connection, because we are using Organizations. After I enabled at least one application for the username & password database connection, I was able to complete the import.
Thanks, that was helpful!
it really sucks though that the import doesn’t provide clear error messages. it also sucks that no one from the auth0 team responded here!