Use query param in forgot password email flow


We’ve recently moved to the new Universal Login Page.
Our app is served on multiple subdomains on the same tenant with the same application, and when a user resets his password through the forgot password email flow, I want to be able to redirect him after setting a new password to the correct url with the correct subdomain.

I thought of adding the referrer URL to the forgot password link on the login form as a param, so that I could add it to the URL in the email template and then have it when the user reaches the change password form and add it to the success screen as a link to go back to my app’s URL.

Is there any way I can achieve that?
I’m lost…


Hi @revital.k,

You should be able to configure dynamic Redirect To URLs using liquid syntax to conditionally redirect your users to the correct URL destination. You can implement this through your Auth0 Dashboard > Branding > Email Templates > Change Password (Link).

Please review our Customize Email Templates documentation for details.

Let us know if you have any follow-up questions.


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