Use Auth0 as Identity provider through SAML requires Certificate with Private key

I want to use Auth0 as identity provider for SAP Commerce Cloud (former Hybris). We need certificate with the private key, otherwise, I get an error
UnsupportedOperationException: trusted certificate entries are not password-protected

I was able to configure Azure AD as an Identity provider (there exists the possibility to upload certificates with private key)

How I can resolve this problem in Auth0 ?

If you want to use Auth0 as the IdP usually you can just provide our public certificate to the Service Provider. You can get the certificate from the IdP application under Advanced Settings > Certificates.

That said, you can configure a custom certificate for signing SAML responses or assertions:

UnsupportedOperationException: trusted certificate entries are not password-protected

I’m not familiar with this error–is that an error returned by SAP Commerce Cloud if you return a SAML response signed with the default Auth0 certificate?

UnsupportedOperationException: trusted certificate entries are not password-protected