Universal login page, username login only

Is it possible to customize login page for universal login? I tried on advance And chose lock. I want only username login but there is login with email. How to change email login to username login with lock?

Note: It works fine with no customization.

Hi @abubratata

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. Can you give me more insight into what you are trying to achieve and what your goal is?


I want to do Username-Password-Authentication. I disable users signups because I think I can create users with API credentials. For the interface I use Universal login but I want a bit customization with HTML. So I try advanced options. I found this alert: One or more pages are using custom HTML to override the Universal Login experience. I go to login tab to customize login page. I chose Lock template considering it might easier. But if I see the preview, the login is with email. I want to do login with username. How to customize that? Is that possible?

Hi @abubratata

We recently introduced a new feature that would work perfectly for your needs. With Flexible Identifiers, you can add a username as a mandatory identifier while disabling the email, so your users will be able to sign and log in using an only username. You can customize the Universal Login Page in many different ways → Customize Universal Login without the need to user Lock configuration.


I am going to try classic login. If not possible, back to universal login without customize.

Edit: I just noticed that Classic Login no longer receives updates. So, I guess I want universal login.

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