Universal Login page disappear

Is there a config item that can hide the login page like :

We have two tenant A & B, tenant A is working fine, the auth flow is:

  1. request to our login api to get auth0 “/authorize” url
  2. redirect page to auth0 ‘/authorize’ url
  3. auth0 then redirect page to ‘/u/login’ page
    tenant A reqest flow is like

    no problem with login flow.

But the B tenant auth flow is like:

auth0 not redirect page to ‘/u/login’ page, and auto finish login by call the callback url.
So user can not see the login page.

Any config can hide or show the page ?

Hi @zhangli

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Can you share the content of both /authorize calls to the Auth0, with private data obfuscated?


The A tenant, which is working fine :


The B tenant:

And the A tenant request header:

The B tenant request header: