New Login page doesn't show up even after switching from Classic Login to New universal Login

I recently switched the “Branding → Login Page” settings from “Classic” to “New Universal” Login.
I am able to see the page loading when I try “Try” Button from Auth0.

I also made sure that the New Universal Login page is activated under “Organizations”

But when I try to login using my application URL the redirect still shows up the old classic page for login.

I also made sure that no MFA, Password reset related things in use

Can someone help me on this.

Screen Shot 2022-12-05 at 3.05.14 PM

Hi there @venky!

Interesting, are you still experiencing this? Is it the same on all browsers? I’ve just tested a few things in my own environment and am unable to reproduce what you are experiencing.

Typically, when users are still seeing the Classic Universal Login experience like this they have toggled the “Customize Login Page” at Branding → Universal Login → Advanced → Login tab which overrides the new experience. I’d expect the classic experience to display when you go to “try” a connection as well however.

Let us knoe!

Hello @tyf - Thanks for the response. Yes I tried to validate it under multiple browsers including incognito. Everything show up the same classical page. But when I try to use the “try” link, it properly show up the new page.

This blocks me to use our Okta workspace integration since it will be shown only in the new Universal Page.

Hi there, we are facing exactly the same problem here. All templates off, no code editor shows it correct but when logging in, old background file shows up.
In fact, when I’m trying to save again on “New” in “Universal Login Experience”, I’m getting an error, pls. see screenshot.

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To reiterate what @tyf said and adding a bit more info; Some custom pages can be configured to specific applications and will enforce classic logins for other apps.

To check if an app has a custom page, you can use the Management API Get Client by ID endpoint to check if an app has a custom_login_page field. If it does you can update it to an empty string to set it to the default, also using the Management API Update a client endpoint.

I hope this helps!
