Universal Login -> Custom Text -> Use Javascript

For the login page, in the “title” input, I have “Welcome to the ${clientName}!”.

I need to remove some text from the clientName.

I’m trying to do this “Welcome to the ${clientName.replace(‘Portal’, ‘’}!”. It’s not working.

How do I use JS text massaging tools in the “Custom Text” area? Is it even possible

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I also have the same problem

Hi @shoekell,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to inject JavaScript code to replace the text in the title.

As a workaround, I recommend changing the name of your application to the one you prefer when logging in.

For example, instead of setting your application name as “My App Portal,” you could change it to “My App.”

You can do this by going to your Application settings and modifying the application name there.

(Reference: Customize Universal Login Text Elements)

Let me know if you have any questions.


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