Universal Login - Custom Font

The docs at New Universal Login Experience indicate that the Management API can be used to set a custom font url for the Universal Login screen. Going to the Management API (Auth0 Management API v2) doesn’t show what parameter to pass in the body to do this.

This topic from a few months ago asked the same question, but was closed with an answer that didn’t actually answer the question: Universal login/Branding API - set custom font URL?

Hi @nick.murphy,

Welcome to the Community!

Please see below screenshot. It shows what payload required to call API.

I guess the confusing part is this font url mentioned in the docs, which isn’t visible in the API explorer. I’ll check that internally.

By the way: thanks for all your support in the community forum @rashid779939 ! Much appreciated :slight_smile:

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After playing around with guesses in the Management API, I came upon an (undocumented) request which returns a 200:

  "font": { 
     "url": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto&display=swap" 

Even so, I’m not seeing the changes on my login page. What’s more, I’m not seeing any changes from the text customization API either.

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Thanks, I’m also having this issue. My guess is they haven’t implemented this feature fully yet. I do see the font being inserted into <head> however:

  @font-face {
    font-family: "ulp-font";
    src: url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Sen&amp;display=swap");
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Yes, this seems half baked.
Maybe they abandon it in favor of a different solution

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Thanks for sharing the workaround @pantos27!