Two-factor authentication is required to access this application

Problem statement

Application using authorization_code grant type for authentication is not working. During login we are landing on an error page with message “Something Went Wrong”. Two-factor authentication is required to access this application. To enable this, please contact your system administrator.".
We are not seeing any error in logs. Need help debug and resolve the issue.


After completing the authentication flow, the user is redirected to an error page stating:

“Something Went Wrong
Two-factor authentication is required to access this application. To enable this, please contact your system administrator.”


WebAuthn as first factor was set to enabled, despite Identifier First + Biometrics being turned off in the Authentication Profile for the tenant.


You will be able to reset the proper Authentication Profile configuration by toggling the settings as below:

  1. In the dashboard, go to Authentication > Authentication Profile
  2. Toggle this to either Identifier First, or Identifier First + Biometrics, and select save
  3. Toggle the setting back to Identifier First + Password, and select save

The authentication flow was then able to successfully be completed on a subsequent signing.