TTL for partial state users (email already in use)

Feature: Automatically delete hidden/parital-state users after a short period (time-to live)

Description: We would like to be able to set a TTL (time-to-live) on the hidden / partial-state users created when attempting to sign in via email, before validating. These hidden users make troubleshooting “email already in use” issues difficult and require a support ticket to resolve.

Our primary authentication method is via SMS, but we have a companion application that allows email.
If a user accidentally uses an incorrect email that is not linked to their account on the companion app and never clicks the validation link or enters their OTP, that email address will be stuck in limbo until the user attempts to use it again and follows through on the validation.
The end result of this is having customers call us to change their email address but we can’t because some hidden user owns it, a user that we cannot find via search to self-resolve.

A way to manually delete these users via the management-api could also work, it would at least allow us to self-resolve.