Terraform with Auth0

I am having difficulties getting Terraform to work with Auth0 and need assistance in resolving the error.

Error Details

Error: Failed to install provider

│ Error while installing auth0/auth0 v1.9.1: archive has incorrect checksum zh:275a7cb7e23027e6e369e774755e8d4d55fe6ba1c4498e4a6f349746f964f9ee
│ (expected zh:5ad337feac4bcfdd40391322713c9984b3c63694afdc452be4bfa137db1085c4)



terraform init
2024-12-27T13:00:07.928+0530 [INFO] Terraform version: 1.10.3
2024-12-27T13:00:07.929+0530 [DEBUG] using GitHub - hashicorp/go-tfe: HCP Terraform/Enterprise API Client/SDK in Golang v1.70.0
2024-12-27T13:00:07.929+0530 [DEBUG] using github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2 v2.23.0
2024-12-27T13:00:07.929+0530 [DEBUG] using GitHub - hashicorp/terraform-svchost: A library for the representation of friendly hostnames v0.1.1
2024-12-27T13:00:07.929+0530 [DEBUG] using GitHub - zclconf/go-cty: A type system for dynamic values in Go applications v1.15.1-0.20241111215639-63279be090d7
2024-12-27T13:00:07.929+0530 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.23.3
2024-12-27T13:00:07.929+0530 [INFO] CLI args: string{“C:\Program Files (x86)\Terraform\terraform.exe”, “init”}
2024-12-27T13:00:07.937+0530 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: C:\Users\vsivasamy\AppData\Roaming\terraform.rc
2024-12-27T13:00:07.938+0530 [DEBUG] File doesn’t exist, but doesn’t need to. Ignoring.
2024-12-27T13:00:07.940+0530 [DEBUG] checking for credentials in “C:\Users\vsivasamy\AppData\Roaming\terraform.d\plugins”
2024-12-27T13:00:07.941+0530 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory terraform.d/plugins
2024-12-27T13:00:07.941+0530 [DEBUG] will search for provider plugins in C:\Users\vsivasamy\AppData\Roaming\terraform.d\plugins
2024-12-27T13:00:07.944+0530 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory C:\Users\vsivasamy\AppData\Roaming\HashiCorp\Terraform\plugins
2024-12-27T13:00:07.945+0530 [INFO] CLI command args: string{“init”}
Initializing the backend…
2024-12-27T13:00:09.501+0530 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in “.”
2024-12-27T13:00:09.502+0530 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Terraform”
2024-12-27T13:00:09.504+0530 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in “C:\Users\vsivasamy\AppData\Roaming\terraform.d\plugins”
Initializing provider plugins…

Hi @vigneshSivasamy

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

I’ve checked your error logs. Could you please confirm for me which Terraform version you are running on your machine? Can you please run the terraform version in your terminal?

2024-12-27T13:00:10.615+0530 [DEBUG] GET https://registry.terraform.io/v1/providers/auth0/auth0/1.9.1/download/windows/386 would suggest the usage of windows32-bit version. If so, can you re-download the Windows/AMD64 version. If that won’t help, can you open up a new issue in the Auth0 provider repository on Github and link the issue here, I will ping the repo owners.



I am using the following version:

Terraform v1.10.3
on windows_386

When I run terraform init, it automatically downloads the required version. Is there a way I can choose the AMD version instead of the currently selected one?

Hi @vigneshSivasamy

You can download the AMD64 terraform version here → https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/1.10.3/terraform_1.10.3_windows_amd64.zip


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