Official support for terraform

Auth0 touted a partnership with Hashicorp in a blog post back in June of 2020 (see Auth0 Announces Technology Partnership with HashiCorp) but where is the official support? I see nothing that suggests Auth0 has any role in maintaining or even helping out with the Auth0 provider. In fact, I don’t see any commits at all from any member of Auth0.

Both the provider and the go api library are maintained by a single person (who has done an admirable job) not affiliated with Auth0. This means that updates and fixes trickle in and only when that single person has the time and energy to address those. In the mean time, changes are being made and features are being added to Auth0 that are not reflected in the provider.

So my question is what is Auth0’s plan in terms of helping improve Terraform support? Is Auth0 taking this partnership seriously?

Hey there!

Thank you for raising this issue! Let me reach out to our product team to find out more about it! I’ll get back to you once I have some news to share!

@konrad.sopala, thank you for the reply. Any word on this?

Being able to configure Auth0 using infrastructure as code is a huge benefit, but the provider is missing some functionality that the author just doesn’t have time to deal with.

As an example, I can set up most of my tenants using code (which has actually saved us once due to an Auth0 bug) but I can’t select the identify-first login flow using the provider nor can I customize the text of the login page. That’s just an example of some of the things missing.

Hey there!

I just got some words back from our product managers. Here they are:

The Terraform Provider is not Auth0 software, it is community software. However Auth0 does support interaction with Terraform in all customer tenants including production deployments. It should also be noted that Auth0 is the primary sponsor of that maintainer and those repos and we have active contributors to those.

We plan to extend that relationship with Alex (the main maintainer) in a more formal way but there is no public information on that as of now.