Strategy to redirect to universal login conditionally after gathering email

We have an app with two types of users accessing a React app. We want type A to login through our own login page, use our own data, etc. We want type B to authenticate with Auth0. We need the user to enter their email when they arrive to our app to determine whether they are of type A or B. If the user is redirected to Universal Login, we don’t want them to have to re-enter their email address. Is there a way to pass the users’ email in the redirect, and have universal login only prompt them for a password? Should we just use the Authenticate API to log in the user directly (even if that doesn’t get us out-of-the-box MFA, etc)?

Hi @capndave,

You can pass the login_hint query parameter with the user’s email address when redirecting them to the Universal Login for authentication.

This will populate the email address field with the value you passed in the request.

(Reference: Universal Login Experience)


Very helpful! Can I pass the organization in with the login_hint as well? Are there detailed login_hint docs somewhere?

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