Social connectors and /Userinfo - failed with status code 401: invalid credentials


I tried to implement the google connector with my application which worked fine so far. I call this url to let the user log in with his google account.

public String genGoogleLoginUrl() {
	AuthAPI authAPI = new AuthAPI(domain, clientId, clientSecret);

	return authAPI.authorizeUrl(

The Callback provides me with a code I can then exchange for an access_token.

public String getUserByCode(String code) {
	AuthAPI authAPI = new AuthAPI(domain, clientId, clientSecret);
		Object info =
				    .setScope("openid profile email")
		if (info != null){
			return ((TokenHolder)info).getAccessToken();
	return "";

I now have a pretty long access_token. What I need though is the email address of the user. And here lays my problem. I try to call the /userInfo:

private boolean getUserData(String accessToken) {
	AuthAPI authAPI = new AuthAPI(domain, clientId, clientSecret);
	Request request = authAPI.userInfo(accessToken);
	try {
		Object info = request.execute();
		if (info != null){
			return true;
	} catch (APIException exception) {
		// api error
		System.out.println("api error" + exception.getMessage());
	} catch (Auth0Exception exception) {
		System.out.println("request error: " + exception.getMessage());
	return false;

But it throws an API exception with the message “Request failed with status code 401: invalid credentials”.
The API is set to RS256 signing and I added “openid” in the scopes menu. Did I miss something? Any help would be much appreciated.

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