Sign up error not displayed correctly

If a user has an account and they try to sign up again, the error they should receive is “The user already exists” .

However, that is not the case currently. The error displayed is “Something went wrong, please try again later”

Hi @simona1,

This question has been addressed in another community post here.

I recommend referring to that solution and reaching out again if you have any questions.


Hi, thanks for your reply.

I did customise the Universal Login Text Prompt but I still see the generic error when trying to sign up with an existing email. This is my config.

The error gets displayed after I put in the password.

Hi @simona1,

Thanks for the response.

You will need to customize the signup-password prompt, and change the auth0-users-validation text field to your preferred text.

After doing so, you should see the new error on the sign up page.

Let me know how that goes for you.


It sounds like the field you mentioned refers to a general error message. Which issues can trigger that message to be displayed?

I wouldn’t want the user to receive the same error message but for other contexts

Hi @simona1,

The auth0-users-validation text field is meant for customizing the error message when someone tries to sign up with an existing user.

Generally, this should be a generic error message to prevent user enumeration attacks. But if you prefer, though not recommended, you can change the error message to something else.

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