Sign in With Apple + Auth0 keeps asking me to sign in after a few hours

Hi Auth0 Community,

I have integrated Sign in With Apple with Auth0 using the help of the SDK tutorial here.

For some reason, even after creating an account, I am asked to sign in the next day (just sign in, not create account). I can’t seem to figure out why my tokens won’t refresh behind the scenes and why the credential state returns as unauthorized after some time. I want to make this seamless so that it doesn’t keep asking the user to login everyday. I played around with my refresh tokens and turned off refresh token expiration but that did not help - perhaps there’s something I’m not understanding here.

Any help here would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Hey there!

Can I ask you to open it as a GitHub issue so we can work on that directly with the quickstart maintainers? Once you do it please share the link to it here so we can ping them. Thank you!


Thanks for replying. I opened a new issue which you can find here. Please let me know if there is anyway I can provide any more information to help.

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Perfect! Thanks for sharing it. I’ll ping repo maintainers in a few minutes!

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