Setup Identifier first authentication only on login and not signup

I’m using auth0 react sdk and I have enabled identifier first authentication on new universal login. I wanted to keep the signup flow in a single step (i.e., email and password on same screen) and only login as 2 steps (i.e., email and password as separate screens). But I’m not able to achieve this. Both Signup and Login appears in 2 steps. Can someone help?

To achieve a single-step signup flow and a two-step login flow using the Auth0 React SDK with identifier-first authentication, you can follow these steps:

  1. Configure the Universal Login page: In the Auth0 dashboard, go to the Universal Login settings and choose the New Universal Login Experience. Enable the Identifier-First Authentication option.

  2. Customize the login and signup pages: Create separate login and signup pages in your React application. On the signup page, include fields for both email and password. On the login page, include separate fields for email and password.

  3. Implement the signup flow: Use the useAuth0 hook from the Auth0 React SDK to handle the signup flow. When the user submits the signup form, call the signup method provided by the useAuth0 hook, passing the email and password as parameters. This will create a new user in Auth0.

  4. Implement the login flow: On the login page, use the useAuth0 hook to handle the login flow. When the user submits the login form, call the loginWithPassword method provided by the useAuth0 hook, passing the email and password as separate parameters. This will authenticate the user using the provided credentials.

By following these steps, you should be able to achieve a single-step signup flow and a two-step login flow with email and password on separate screens.

Thanks @pratyush.pandey for the reply.

I have one major concern with this solution. I don’t want to build my own login / signup page as I have to handle all the social logins too. Also, I see a contradictory statement. If I’m building my own login page, what is the use of giving identifier-first? how can I check if the email is intended for SSO login on login with password?