Set email reply-to address to support email

Feature: Set reply-to address on transactional emails to support email.

Description: We would prefer to send Auth0 emails from a subdomain. But if we send from, replies go to

We would prefer to send from, reply-to our support email.

An example of a large platform that already does this automatically is Stripe. Upon configuring custom domain, emails are from, reply-to our support email.

Use-case: This would allow us to configure transactional email on a subdomain instead of our primary domain. This is a best practice that helps separate configurations and sender reputations across multiple email systems.

Thanks for providing that feedback. Let’s see who else from the community will be interested in such feature

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Hey, is the customization of reply-to email available by this point?

Hey there!

Unfortunately not yet

Is there no work-around for setting the reply-to on Auth0 emails? This is kind of a big deal.

Am I just supposed to put the reply email in the body and hope my users hit that instead of the reply button?

We just got out of test mode by configuring our production email system. We changed the sender to the reply-to we were after. It works for us for now. There really should be different send/reply address options.

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Relaying that to our product team!

Agreed. We are sending via our no-reply account but would prefer to send from another and the ability to configure the reply-to somehow.

Any update on this?

Hello guys, are any updates on this matter?

Again, any update? It’s been years of posts, but still no “reply-to” field??