Sending an email in case of error in logs

Hello @marcelina.barycka ,
I would like to know if it is possible to send an email to an address when there is an error in the log (admin dashboard → monitoring → logs).
Thank you so much

Hi @patrick-urbidesk ,

What scenario you have in mind? The context can be described with the “Typ” and “Description”, like in the screen below:

Who should receive the email?

In general there are solutions for alerting when errors occur by integrating with built-in or custom monitoring services but I guess it’s not your use case.

For example, when there is an error like in this screenshot you sent, and the admin receives an email notifying him that there is an error.

Hi Patric, the document with monitoring services available for integration with Auth0 should give you some preview of what’s available. Feel free to follow up in case of questions.

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