Send notification email after changing password or MFA enrollment

We have a SPA site, and all the authentication flows are done through the Auth0 pages where the users are redirected, e.g. when the user wants to login.

Is there a way to send an email from Auth0 when the user has changed the password, or the MFA enrollment? The closest answer I found is this but maybe it’s outdated. I want a solution (if possible) within the Auth0 platform, and the use of e.g. webhooks implies that my service is the responsible to send the email while Auth0 only notifies my service about the event, but I want Auth0 to send the email, because all the information needed to send the email is there (the email and the name of the user).

The only purpose of this request is just security, we want to notify our users when the password or the OTP code has changed.

Hey @mariano.ruiz!

I understand you would like to send an email when the user successfully changed the password. I found a post regarding Sending Emails with Actions that can be applied to the post-change-password trigger.

I hope this helps!


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