Secret Handling in Terraform

Problem statement

How does the Auth0 Terraform Provider handle secret management?


Terraform providers do not directly handle secret management themselves. Instead, secret management in Terraform typically involves integrating with external tools or services designed for managing secrets.

Here are some best practices for managing secrets in the context of Terraform:

  • Avoid Plain Text Secrets: It’s crucial not to store secrets in plain text within Terraform code. Remember that anyone with access to the version control system can potentially access these secrets.
  • Secure Terraform State: Ensure the security of the Terraform state by storing it in a backend that supports encryption, such as S3, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), or Azure Blob Storage. Additionally, tightly control who has access to the Terraform backend to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Use Environment Variables: When providing client credentials or API tokens for authentication with the Auth0 Provider, consider using environment variables. This approach keeps sensitive information separate from the code and allows for easier management.
  • Leverage Dedicated Secret Stores: For enhanced security, store your secrets in a dedicated secret store. These are specialized databases designed to securely store sensitive data and tightly control access. Some popular options to consider include HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Parameter Store, and Google Cloud Secret Manager.

By following these best practices, the user can ensure that the secrets remain secure and the Terraform configurations are both effective and safe.