Auth0_client_connection secret problem

Hi all
I am currently facing the following problem while using the auth0 terraform provider.
I am trying to import an existing resource → auth0_connection

While importing the following error is thrown:

Error: Unmanaged Configuration Secret
Detected a configuration secret not managed though terraform: "username". If you proceed, this configuration secret will get deleted. It is required to add this configuration secret to your custom database settings to prevent unintentionally destructive results.

At first my auth0_client_connection resource looked something like this:

resource "auth0_connection" "my-database" {
  name                 = "my-database"
  is_domain_connection = false
  strategy             = "auth0"
  realms               = ["<realm>"]

  options {
    password_policy                = "good"
    brute_force_protection         = true
    enabled_database_customization = true
    import_mode                    = false
    disable_signup                 = true
    strategy_version               = 0
    requires_username              = true

    custom_scripts = {
        change_password =  file("change_password.js")

    password_history {
      enable = false
      size   = 5

With the error I tried to update it to this:

resource "auth0_connection" "my-database" {
  name                 = "my-database"
  is_domain_connection = false
  strategy             = "auth0"
  realms               = ["<realm>"]

  options {
    password_policy                = "good"
    brute_force_protection         = true
    enabled_database_customization = true
    import_mode                    = false
    disable_signup                 = true
    strategy_version               = 0
    requires_username              = true

    custom_scripts = {
        change_password =  file("change_password.js")

    configuration = {
        password = "foo1"
        username = "foo2"

    password_history {
      enable = false
      size   = 5

Unfortunately the error doesn’t disappear. Can anybody help?
How can the password be managed correct?

Thanks for any help! :slight_smile:

Any help is highly appreciated.
Could this be a potential problem with the auth0 terraform provider?