Rules and Hooks nearing End of Life

We’ve already moved everything we could on actions, however, your rules’s deprecation notice without providing at least the SAME functionality on actions is a HUGE problem for us.

Problem: rules allow account linking via API and switching context for the right linked user using context.primaryUser (see Context Object Properties in Rules, Context Object Properties in Rules). Actions do not (as for today). This is a huge pitfall and must be addressed by you

The problem is the same as the one described by fran.pregernik here above:

First case: Automatic link of Social login and DB user with same email.

Here are some posts from other users which have the same problem:

“changing the user context as described here apparently relies on now-deprecated functionality from the v1 programming model for the PostLogin trigger. As it stands today, only the context.primaryUser method works to change the primary user (see Context Object Properties in Rules for more details), and this only works within a Rule context.”

So what we should do? It is clear that we expect from you that Context Object Properties in Rules Context Object Properties in Rules need to have a similar alternative with Actions, with context.primaryUser working on actions as it is now with rules (at least as it used to work with actions in 2021!).

You have paying customers relying on this functionality now in Production.
It is fine to set a deprecation notice on rules, but at least you need to provide an easy to migrate option with Actions, without asking us to re-implement all auth flows!

When this functionality will be restored on Actions (it used to work in 2021)?
Can you provide an ETA?

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