Roles not coming back in Token

I am having trouble getting roles back in my token after I authenticate to Auth0. The roles array is there its just empty.

We have multiple applications in Auth0 currently that you can login into and you will get roles back in the token.

I created a new application in our tenant and I am able to authenticate to the new application. But, when I Check the token under the authorization object, the roles array is there. Its just empty. This seems like an issue with configuration during setup. Any ideas on what I can look for?

Are you checking that in the ID token or Access Token ?. Check in this page, it looks like you will need a rule to do that.

Nevermind for now. I figured this out I think.

I found the issue. I had created the role. But never applied it to the group of my user.

Hi, can you provide more info how you did that? Because I am struggling to get what I need. I posted something Getting Roles for logged in user without having to add the MetaData manually - #2 by nicolas_sabena , got an answer, but it didn’t work and now I don’t know how to move forward.
By the way, I am using a SPA.
Maybe what you did would help.
Thanks in advance.