"Register" (login for the first time) a social account via API

The creation/registration of a social user depends on an external identity provider and it’s a process that will most likely require end-user interaction. Having said that, if you create your own custom social OAuth2 connection pointing to an OAuth2 mock API that does not require any sort of end-user interaction (this is dangerous, read the full answer for caveats) then you may be able to achieve what you want.

The sequence of steps would be something like:

  1. Create a custom OAuth2 connection named CUSTOM.
  2. Perform a request to the /authorize endpoint that includes a connection parameter with a value of CUSTOM.
  3. The custom OAuth2 connection was implemented in a way that the requests for authentication are automatically satisfied with test user information.

The above would mean you could trigger authentication/registration of a social test user (one where isSocial is true since it’s coming from a custom OAuth2 connection) with just a GET request that would not require any sort of manual interaction. Have in mind that something like this should only be done in a test account, because that custom OAuth2 connection would basically allow access as a test user to anyone.