Redirection needed when there is a no-signed in user


I’m using auth0 custom login page which is configured inside my own webapp. In my code I’m calling the /authorize endpoint. So if the user already signed in it’s redirecting to requested redirect url successfully. But if there is no signed in user then its redirecting to “https://{my_auth_domain}/login” end point. But instead of this I want it to redirect to my custom url since I’m using my custom login page which is configured inside my webapp.

Hi @Narasimman.P,

You should be able to set up your application’s default login route (or tenant level login route) in the dashboard or via the management API.

Hope this helps,

Hello Dan,

Thanks for your reply. application’s default login route used when

Users bookmarking the login page

Completing the password reset flow

Completing the email verification flow

But In my case, it should be redirected when calling /authorize endpoint.

So, using a silent authentication request (sending promt=none as a parameter) to /authorize endpoint solved this.

Great, sounds like this is resolved. Let me know if you have any more questions.

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