Auth0 application domain (custom or otherwise) redirects to Auth0 homepage

We’re using the universal login (classic w/ custom html) for our application, meaning we redirect the user from our login route to Auth0 authorize with the clientId/audience etc as query params. On the login page we strip the query param to have a nicer looking url.

The issue is, a user could just copy the url and use it later. If they just use the domain (custom or not), they get redirected to the Auth0 homepage.

This sounds like the same issue mentioned in this thread: Custom Domain redirects to Auth0 homepage

Is there a solution to this short of a self hosted login? It’s a serious user experience problem for us.

Hi @lukasObo, if the user enters the custom domain only, it should redirect to the parent domain and not Auth0. Are you seeing a different behavior? For example should redirect to This used to redirect to some time back, but not anymore.

What does the URL looks like after stripping the parameters? Generally the solution to users bookmarking the login page is specifying a ‘default login URL’: Configure Default Login Routes

Is there a way to redirect to something other than the parent domain?

This is not where we want to send users and is causing us problems because that’s a different website than the one we’re using Auth0 with.

@eltimn We have this in our backlog to make the redirection configurable, but at the moment only parent domain is supported. Could you add your use case to Auth0: Secure access for everyone. But not just anyone. ? This will help us prioritize it sooner.

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