Just a guess, but that error sounds like it would be coming from the Rules engine (since the rules engine expects to “resume the flow” after a rule executes), rather than the password reset. Can you post the associated URLs and screenshots?
Apologies for the late reply … I’ve been away working on other things. Unfortunately the error message doesn’t tell us much. I would suggest opening a support ticket with Auth0 if possible. If that is not an option, possible @konrad.sopala or @James.Morrison may be able to assist.
I think so. I’m particularly interested in the “resume the flow” error. Again, sounds like something that would come from the rules processing engine, but the support engineers can confirm that and provide further guidance.
Hey @markd, I contacted the support, but unfortunately my tial period already expired and I am currently on the free plan, so it seems like I won’t get any response from them
Not sure in which direction I need to go with the info, that it’s coming from rules processing engine. Do you have any idea or hint for me, what I might need to change?
I don’t think there is currently a way to redirect directly to the hosted pw reset page in a redirect rule. The workaround is to call the management API and update the user’s pw manually. This would require hosting your own UI for the pw reset…I can see why this isn’t ideal.
Can you both please submit a feature request to our feedback page? This way our product managers see the request directly. Thanks!