I’m receiving the following error when I try to create a user with the Management API:
connection is disabled
(client_id: oPdf0zo1bkhtbrvgsqkmNRHXUrT183vy - connection: auth0-infra-db-connection-cole3)
That client id happens to be the API Explorer Application - I’m not sure why that is.
This is the call I’m making:
await managementClient.createUser({
email: "email@gmail.com",
email_verified: false,
verify_email: true,
connection: "connection name",
password: "password"
What am I doing wrong?
I think I figured it out. For my database connection I had to enable the “API Explorer Application”.
Is this safe to do in a production environment? Or should I create a new machine-to-machine app that is only used to do Management API tasks?
That would be the correct way. The first method you mention is more for test-development purposes.
I’m trying to get things working so that I can us AWS Custom Resources to build my Auth0 resources. I was thinking that I could have one “management machine-to-machine” app for my tenant. That app would only be given the permissions it needs to build/update/delete the resources I’m creating.
I think this makes sense. The machine-to-machine app just needs to have the Management API enabled for it.
Does all of that sound right?
When you create container successfully, containerID will be returned via intent.
Thanks for sharing that @samanthadavies846_1!