With no changes in our software, for the last couple months, we will sometimes get a 200 error, and sometimes get a 500 error when trying to refresh tokens for one of our tenants
Is this an auth0 error, or is there some custom code that we are running somewhere on refresh that causes this, which I could fix? We don’t have any “hooks” set up…
Thanks for the response! I dm’ed you! I will try to follow up here if we reach a resolution so that other people experiencing the same problem can potentially learn from it.
That did indeed allow me to narrow down the error. I now know that it is caused by one of my rules, and that specifically it is caused by the Authorization extension timing out. Part of one of my rules requests the user groups via: https://{host}.us8.webtask.io/{idstring}/api/users/{userid}/groups?expand=true
and I had a timeout set for 5 seconds.
This made me realize that when I changed the storage backend to s3, I hadn’t realized how significantly this slowed down our authz process. So I’ve switched back to webtask storage, which I think will solve the issue.