Quickbooks Online Returns Realm ID null

The realm id that is returned by intuit is null. This seems to be because the scope com.intuit.quickbooks.accounting is needed to get a realmId. When I try setting that scope on the client I can see the scope in the url constructed by the SDK to Auth0 https://dev-******.us.auth0.com/authorize?client_id=&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/callback&scope=openid profile email com.intuit.quickbooks.accounting offline_access&state=&nonce=&connection=quickbooks-online&is_submitting=false&sso=true&response_mode=query&_intstate=deprecated&_csrf=&code_challenge_method=S256&code_challenge=&auth0Client=&protocol=oauth2 but the redirect to the third party site (intuit) does NOT have scope I specified

To be able to add the scope I wanted i followed the instructions here Pass additional scopes/permissions to a Social Connection and I was able to get the realmId returned in the callback. Now is figuring out why I’m still getting an invalid request error

THe other part of the issue was the connection’s fetchUserProfile script was using a hard coded url to get the userinfo. Since I was using sandbox keys I had to update the url to use the sandbox endpoint for getting user info which is at the time of this writing https://sandbox-accounts.platform.intuit.com/v1/openid_connect/userinfo

Hi @akeem.philbert,

Can you please outline how you did this? Were you able to return the realmId to your application?

“…and I was able to get the realmId returned in the callback…”
