Public Cloud Environment in the United Kingdom as a Beta

Hello everyone! Auth0 is excited to announce the launch of a new public cloud environment in the United Kingdom (UK) as a Beta. This new environment joins previously available environments in the United States, Australia, Japan, and the European Union, as we continue to support our customer’s needs to offer low-latency login experiences while complying with data locality regulations.

Auth0 customers can specify their preferred location by simply choosing the United Kingdom region during the tenant creation process. The new Auth0 tenant created will have the domain name and will adhere to amended terms of service and SLA during the Beta period.

A change log announcement is available here.

Please let us know if you have any questions below in the thread!

This is great! How long do you anticipate the beta period will last? Just weighing up whether to create our new production environment in the UK region (since we’re not quite ready to go live yet).

I took the plunge and created a new tenant in the UK region and it says:

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