Pricing for MFA

Hi! I’m currently on the Essential plan and I’m wondering if I need the Enterprise plan to use Email MFA. On the pricing page, Email MFA has a checkmark for the Enterprise plan, but the confusing part is that the pricing chart doesn’t show a checkmark for one-time-password (OTP) on the Essential plan. However, when I sign in to my app, OTP MFA works.
I would appreciate if someone could clarify this!

Hi @ywaka,

Yes, you will need either a Professional or Enterprise plan to enable Email MFA.

On the pricing page, we categorize MFA as either Pro MFA Factors or Enterprise MFA Factors. You can identify which factors fall under these categories by looking for the icon beside the MFA Factors on your Dashboard.
For example:

There should also be a warning at the top of the page if you are using a factor that requires a subscription upgrade:

If you are still able to use MFA regardless of your subscription, could you please let me know, and I can investigate this further?


Hi! @rueben.tiow Thank you so much for the quick reply and clarification!

So, I’ll need to subscribe to the ‘Enterprise’ plan to enable Email MFA. Since there is an icon '‘Enterprise’ beside the email MFA.

Regarding OTP MFA, I’ve noticed that I can still use it even though I’m on the ‘Essential’ plan.
Is this can be due to a free version availability? I found a page called “Quota Utilization” that shows some history of my previous usage.

Hi @ywaka,

Thanks for the reply.

I have just checked your tenant and noticed that your tenant is on the free subscription plan, which matches the screenshot you shared.

However, this is contradictory to earlier messages stating that you are on the Essentials plan.

Can you clarify if you are on the free or paid subscription again?

Hi! I reached out to Auth0 members by sending message from ‘contact us’ and received information about MFA pricing, so I have resolved my question. Thank you so much!
For your question, I have two tenants. The one that I created for testing, which is on the free version, and another one created by another member on the Essential plan, where my role is assigned as administrator. It seems the history is showing details from the free version. I assume the Essential version also has the free version available, which is why I can use some MFA features.

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