Pre-fill email address field on login screen after redirecting from successful password reset screen

Hello, after my users reset their password, they are greeted by the reset-password Prompt, reset-password-success Screen with a “Back to My App” button. IIRC, the button link is determined by the app/tenant Redirect Login URI. However, that’s a static link that can’t really be customized.

After the user changes their password and clicks this “Back to My App” button, is there a way to pre-fill the email address field on the login page that they will inevitably be redirected to?

Additional details:

  • I’m using the Universal Login Experience

Hi @matthew.kosloski,

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to dynamically pre-fill the user’s email address on the redirected login page after the user changes their password.

For now, you can only pass in a static result URL. You can change this setting in your Change Password email template settings in the Redirect To field.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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