Please add an optional page before the QR code when enrolling otp mfa

Feature: Please add an optional page before the QR code when enrolling otp mfa

Description: The opt mfa enrolment flow needs some sort of optional step/page before displaying the qr code for the user to verify that they have downloaded some sort of authenticator app. Basically, we want exactly the same screen that appears in the push notification enrolment flow. You could even still link it to auth0’s own apps still (although ideally, let us configure which apps it points to).

Use-case: We’re currently trying to rollout out otp mfa using the new universal login and encountered constant issues getting user to set up correctly. COVID has basically trained user’s to scan QR codes with their camera, which on iphone leads them to using the iphone password manager (which sucks as a otp mfa factor). So far almost every user has then had to have their mfa reset and be walked through the instruction on downloading and setting up an authenticator app before enrolling.

This would be reduced if there was some sort of step in between logging in and enrolment that required the user to confirm that they had an app installed before continuing, ideally with the ability to configure step by step instructions.

Hi @alex.m,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community and thanks for the thorough feedback.