Password reset and email verification links removed from tenant logs

Just received this email:

We are deprecating the functionality that logs plaintext Password Reset and Email Verification links within tenant logs. These links are created upon the creation of a Password Reset and Email Verification ticket using the Management API endpoints ('api/v2/tickets/password-change' or '/api/v2/tickets/email-verification').

Password Reset and Email Verification links will be removed from tenant logs as of February 5, 2024.

Will this affect the actual behavior of the password reset/email verification processes? Will users still be able to perform these operations and receive a corresponding email?

Hi @joey-nsure , welcome to Auth0!

No, the change is only about removing the mentioned links from the Monitoring → Logs section to reduce the presence of them to the required minimum (security reasons).


For more info or to provide feedback on that, please take a look - Action Required: Password reset and email verification links removed from tenant logs

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