Parameter organization is not allowed for this client

I am currently using a Starter tier account for testing and initial development on our application. I am attempting to enable organization login in a web application and I am getting the error return parameter organization is not allowed for this client. I note that in the client configuration there is an Organization Settings tab, but of the three options in the top drop down, only “Individuals for personal use” and “Both” are enabled. Do I need to upgrade my account to unlock the Organization login features? At what level must I upgrade to?

Hi @Blissitte

Are you seeing any warnings in your application settings page about blocks on organizations? For example, certain grant types may not be used with orgs, and the team members of organizations option will be grayed out. Additionally, are you seeing the error when you have Both enabled?

The trial account should allow you to test out organizations (and other subscriptions should let you use it, but you will be prompted to upgrade IIRC).

As for which subscriptions include orgs, I will direct you to our pricing page. You can click the compare plans button to see all of the options.