Outbound SCIM configuration

We have a requirement of moving users along with their password and information from Auth0 to other system.
All the documents found are for Inbound SCIM configuration i.e from other system to Auth0
Does Auth0 support Outbound SCIM?

Hi @himani.asrani,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Currently we only support Inbound SCIM as per our docs here: System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)

Our Professional Services team is available to work on a custom Outbound SCIM solution. This document has more information on the Professional Services team and how to contact them: Auth0 Professional Services

Additionally, I would suggest you add some feedback about Outbound SCIM here: Auth0: Secure access for everyone. But not just anyone.. This is reviewed by our product teams to help gauge demand for features.


Mary Beth

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