Auth0 SCIM Configuration for Atlassian Guard

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I saw on Atlassian’s supported IdPs page that Auth0 is listed as a supported IdP for SCIM user provisioning. However, I haven’t been able to find any official documentation or setup instructions on how to configure this.

Has anyone successfully implemented SCIM provisioning from Auth0 to Atlassian Guard?

If so, could you share the steps or any resources that helped?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @acaselli,

Thank you for posting your question on the Auth0 Community.

I am sorry for the issue that you are facing, as indeed on Attlassian’s page Auth0 is listed as an Identity Provider for the SCIM schema, but as mentioned in our docs and in this community post as well Auth0 only supports inbound SCIM, so that is why no other information is available about setting it as an Idp.

I would advise creating a feedback post on Atlassian’s side.

I hope this helped.
Best regards,

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