Hi there, we have an application being built off of auth0 for authentication. The application uses React-Native to build web/android/ios. Let me explain the current flow.
Universal Login
User enters an email/password, hits create account and must check their email to verify their email address. Upon tapping the button they are presented with a page that mentions they’re verified and need to log back in. So they have to open the original tab again, tap login, and re-type their email/password to log in. How can we optimize this using auth0? Ideally, after verifying their email I’d want them redirected back to our website (I’ve seen the redirect_url) but I don’t want them having to re-authenticate again. I’d like for them to be redirected back to our app and silently be authenticated. I see there’s options such as magic link (appears deprecated as it only works with classic login) and email code (OTP) but that requires manually entering a code. How can we make this more seamless in a not deprecated manner using Universal Login? Thank you so much.
Hi there @rueben.tiow thanks for the reply. I’m aware of the redirect url but that would just take the user back to the login screen and not automatically log them in. What I’m hoping is to optimize the login flow so after e-mail verification they can immediately be logged in. This would require some kind of token being passed along to our app that we could present to auth0 to auth the user. As mentioned in my post, magic links seem deprecated and OTP codes require manual input back on our site. Thoughts?
You could include the prompt=none query parameter in your login URL to automatically log the user in if they already have a valid session. Otherwise, they will be prompted to log in again. This approach uses the verification email using magic link.
For example, the Redirect To URL could look something like the following: